Best Spoken English classes in Bangalore

Spoken English Course for Professional Purpose in Bangalore | English Speaking Course Training

If you demand the English language training for your professional life or career also wish to study with highly motivated professionals, you have the right place. All our business courses in Cambridge are absolute, dynamic, practices, and skills-based.
Our trainers are very experienced – and they realize that not all businesses are the same. So our courses are flexible enough to reflect the requirements of participants.
Whatever your language or experience level, our objective is eternally the same: to give you the skills and confidence to use English immediately and effectively in a wide variety of contexts.

Who can take Spoken English Course for Professional Purpose in Bangalore?

There are three main course options for those who demand English Speaking Course Training to develop their professional English and/or business skills at Anglolang.
Firstly, it is possible to join an Intensive English group course and connect this with private English Speaking Course Training Classes to focus on specific needs. Secondly, we offer a one-week Spoken English Course for Professional Purpose in Bangalore entitled Effective Communication for Professionals, and finally, we advise a one-week Professional English course entitled Intercultural Training for Professionals.
This Spoken English Course for Professional Purpose in Bangalore is for professionals who demand excellent quality language training without the need to travel. You may desire to achieve confidence in working with colleagues and partners abroad, you may be looking for a new job or preparing yourself for an event or presentation. This course will give you the skills and confidence you are looking for to advance in your career.

Spoken English Course Professional Course Content

Your trainers will customize the course to meet the needs of the course participants, so the exact content will be relevant to the goals and experience of the class

Benefits of Spoken English Course for Professional Purpose in Bangalore

By the end of the English Speaking Course Training you will:

Course includes:

Mode Of Class:

Classroom Ratio:


Hours Per week:

Start Date:

1st Session:

2nd Session:


English Level:

Level 1 (Beginner)

do not speak any English.


Level 2 (Elementary)

can understand a few things in English.


Level 3 (Pre-Intermediate)

can speak simple things and understand few.


Level 4 (Low Intermediate)

can communicate simple sentences and understand few situations


Level 5 (Intermediate)

Can speak and understand but have problem with structured grammar and vocabulary.


Level 6 (Upper Intermediate)

can communicate and understand but make a lot of mistake and face problem in understanding sometimes.


Level 7 (Lower Advanced)

can communicate and understand but make a lot of mistake and face problem in understanding sometimes.


Level 8 (Pre Advanced)

can communicate and understand but make a lot of mistake in tenses and face problem in understanding the vocabulary in use.


Level 9 (Advanced)

Can speak fluently with structured usage of grammar.


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