The Placement Test is a language assessment service for individuals and organisations to determine the English language skills of the individuals or employees, job applicants or trainees in a way which is relevant to their work or level of proficiency.
The test covers reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary, with optional assessments in speaking and writing. The test results will enable the center to place the student at an appropriate level for optimum benefit. A payment of 16 USD will be required, of which 3 USD is for the placement test fee and the balance of 3 USD will be adjusted in the total course fee.
Students have to sit for placement tests to determine the suitable course for their English language proficiency level. Once the course is determined the student will commence to attend class based on a timetable provided.
Class duration varies according to levels. Full-time courses are held from Mondays to Fridays.
Orientation & Registration of New Students
All students are briefed on the first day of their session on the rules and regulations and the code of conduct to adhere to while studying at CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY OF ENGLISH. The first hour will be used for administrative purposes, i.e. registration, orientation collection of books, and distribution of the session timetable.
CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY OF ENGLISH’s requisite to learning English requires full participation from students and this makes attendance at classes important. Students who miss more than 5% of class hours for any one component without a valid reason will not be awarded any marks and their progress report will be recorded as incomplete.
If there is more than one public holiday within a 25-day session, replacement classes will be arranged and these replacement classes will usually be held on Saturdays.
Main Suite classes require different tasks and projects, but each instructor will give the dates and procedures for completing requirements within the course. The final examination schedule for all Levels will be posted on the notice boards in advance. Assessment and progress checks are conducted throughout the course for all components.
Each level of the Main Suite courses runs on a five-week session. Examinations are conducted according to the Cambridge English Language Assessment schedule.
Cambridge English Scale do not receive a result
X – The candidate was absent from part of the Examination
Z- The candidate was absent from all part of the Examination
Each level of the Main Suite courses runs on a five-week session. Examinations are conducted according to the Cambridge English Language Assessment schedule.
Pending – a result cannot be issued at present, but will follow in due course
Withheld – the candidate should contact their centre for information
Exempt – the candidate was not required to sit this part of the Examination.
The student has failed to meet the minimum attendance requirement to pass the course.
The following criteria for grading are adhered to
20%Pass / Repeat PolicyA student is deemed to have passed a level if he/she scores 70% in all components (Reading Writing Listening and Speaking). A fail mark recorded for any one component would mean that the student has to repeat that level. In special cases, where students have performed extremely well in passed components, they may be allowed to do a split-level. Another criterion for passing is the fulfillment of attendance requirements. Progress Reports Progress Report is given to every student on the last day of the session. It reports the student’s proficiency level for Reading Writing Listening and Speaking Certificates Certificates of Completion are awarded to students who have completed any of the integral courses, provided they record an attendance of more than 95%. Cambridge English Language Assessment exams are provided by the University of Cambridge.
Pass / Repeat Policy
A student is deemed to have passed a level if he/she scores 705 in all components (Reading Writing Listening and Speaking. A fail mark recorded for any one component means that the student has to repeat that level in special cases, where students have performed extremely well in passed components, they may be allowed to do a split-lex Another criterion for passing is fulfillment of attendance requirements.
Progress Reports
A Progress Report is given to every student on the last day of the session. It reports the student’s proficiency level for Reading Writing Listening and Speaking
Certificates of Completion are awarded to students who have completed any of the integral courses, provided they record an attendance of more than 9555 Cambridge English Language Assessment exams are provided by the University of Cambridge Certificates from Cambridge are recognized by over 13.500 employees.