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TKT Training in Bangalore | Teacher's Knowledge Test Academy in Bangalore:

TKT Training in Bangalore is a collection of modular teaching qualifications which examine your knowledge in specific areas of English language teaching. It will assist you to increase your self-confidence and is a cost-effective way to obtain an internationally recognized qualification. TKT Training in Bangalore is ideal for people who require to demonstrate their teaching knowledge with a globally accepted certificate.

You can take as many modules as you demand, over any period. You get a Cambridge English certificate for every module you complete.

TKT is divided into separate modules. Applicants can take them all, or choose the modules that meet their needs. A certificate is accepted for each module completed.
The core modules are composed to implement a foundation in the principles and practice of English language teaching:

TKT: Module 1

Language and background to language training and teaching

TKT: Module 2

Lesson planning and management of sources for language teaching

TKT: Module 3

Maintaining the teaching and training method. Teaching knowledge is evaluated using objective-format tests, which are simple to administer and to take. There are further professional modules, which can be taken separately or added to the core modules:


CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)


Young Learners (YL).

Who is TKT | Teacher's Knowledge Test Academy in Bangalore for?

About the test

Teacher’s Knowledge Test Academies in Bangalore are considered a series of multiple-choice tests. Five modules can be taken in any order or combination:
Core modules:

Module 1

Background to language learning and teaching

Module 2

Lesson planning and use of support for language teaching

Module 3

Managing the teaching and learning process

Specialist modules:


Content and Language Integrated Learning


Young Learners

Core modules:

A test of knowledge about the laws and practice of English language teaching.

Module 1

Background to language learning plus teaching. This module tests applicants’ knowledge of words and concepts common in English language teaching. It also concentrates on the factors underpinning the learning of English and knowledge of the range and functions of the choices teachers have at their disposal to cater to these learning factors.

Module 2

Lesson planning and use of support for language teaching. This module concentrates on what teachers consider and do while planning their teaching. It also explores the linguistic and methodological reference resources that are available to guide teachers in their lesson planning.

Module 3

Maintaining the teaching and learning process, This module tests teachers’ knowledge of what happens in the classroom in terms of the language used by the teacher or learners, the roles the teacher can fulfill, and how the teacher can manage and exploit classroom events and interactions.

TKT – About the test modules

What does Module 1 test?

This module tests your knowledge of:

What does Module 2 test?

This module tests your knowledge of:

What does Module 3 test?

This module tests your knowledge of:

What does the CLIL module test?

This module tests your knowledge of:

What does the Young Learners module test?

This module tests your knowledge of:


This module tests knowledge of the intentions and rationale of a CLIL approach. It includes the planning, teaching, and assessment of CLIL. It also concentrates on teachers’ awareness of learning demands and support strategies for learners in CLIL programs.


YL is an exam for teachers and classroom assistants who need to teach English to young learners. It tests knowledge of concepts compared to young learner learning and development, and knowledge of young learners from a teaching perspective, including the planning, teaching, and assessment of young learners’ work.

What can successful candidates do with the Teachers' Knowledge Test Academy in Bangalore |TKT?

TKT increases teachers’ self-confidence and allows them to grow to other Cambridge English Teaching Qualifications.
TKT is recognized as an English language teaching qualification by various organizations and institutions around the world.
Course includes:

Mode Of Class:

Classroom Ratio:


Hours Per week:

Start Date:

1st Session:

2nd Session:


English Level:

Level 1 (Beginner)

do not speak any English.


Level 2 (Elementary)

can understand a few things in English.


Level 3 (Pre-Intermediate)

can speak simple things and understand few.


Level 4 (Low Intermediate)

can communicate simple sentences and understand few situations


Level 5 (Intermediate)

Can speak and understand but have problem with structured grammar and vocabulary.


Level 6 (Upper Intermediate)

can communicate and understand but make a lot of mistake and face problem in understanding sometimes.


Level 7 (Lower Advanced)

can communicate and understand but make a lot of mistake and face problem in understanding sometimes.


Level 8 (Pre Advanced)

can communicate and understand but make a lot of mistake in tenses and face problem in understanding the vocabulary in use.


Level 9 (Advanced)

Can speak fluently with structured usage of grammar.


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